Source code for vsgen.register

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides a simple register utility for VSGenerate objects.
import sys
import time

[docs]class VSGRegisterable(object): """ An interface class defining methods necessary for VSGRegisterable """ __resgisterable_name__ = "Unknown Resgisterable"
[docs] def register(self): """ Interface method to 'register' the object. """ raise NotImplementedError("Should have implemented this")
[docs] def text(self, value): """ Converts a value to text in a way compatible with Python2 and Python 3. :param object value: The value to convert. :return: The value as text. """ return unicode(value) if sys.version_info < (3,) else str(value)
[docs] def upper(self, value): """ Converts a value to upper case text in a way compatible with Python2 and Python 3. :param object value: The value to convert. :return: The value as upper case text. """ return self.text(value).upper()
[docs] def lower(self, value): """ Converts a value to lower case in a way compatible with Python2 and Python 3. :param object value: The value to convert. :return: The value as lower case text. """ return self.text(value).lower()
[docs]class VSGRegisterCommand(object): """ The VSGRegisterCommand class presents a simple command object to execute the register methods of a collection of VSGRegisterable objects. """ def __init__(self, logname, registerables): """ Initializes the instance with an collection of registerables. :param str logname: The python logger log name. :param list registerables: The list of VSGRegisterable class instances. """ self._logname = logname self._registerables = registerables registerables_names = set([r.__registerable_name__ for r in registerables]) if not registerables_names: self._message = "Registering no files." elif len(registerables_names) == 1: self._message = "Registering {0}{1}".format(next(iter(registerables_names)), 's' if len(registerables) > 1 else '') else: self._message = "Registering a mixed collection of files." def __enter__(self): """ Enter the runtime context related to this object. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): """ Exit the runtime context related to this object. """ # Only return True to surpress the exception (if any) return False
[docs] def execute(self): """ Executes the command. """ from vsgen.util.logger import VSGLogger, self._message) start = time.clock() for i in self._registerables: i.register() end = time.clock(), "Register %s items in %s seconds:", len(self._registerables), end - start) self._start = time.clock()