Source code for vsgen.solution

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides the neccessary defintions to generate a Solution File.

import os
import uuid
import errno
import pkg_resources

from vsgen.writer import VSGWritable, VSGJinjaRenderer

[docs]class VSGSolution(VSGWritable, VSGJinjaRenderer): """ VSGSolution encapsulates the logic needed to create a ``.sln`` file. :ivar uuid GUID: The GUI of the solution; if not provided one is generated automatically. :ivar str FileName: The absolute filename of the solution file; if not provided the value is "" :ivar str Name: The display name of the solution; if not provide the value is "". :ivar list Projects: The list of VSGProject derived classes; if not provide the value is []. """ __writable_name__ = "VSG Solution" __jinja_template__ = pkg_resources.resource_filename('vsgen', 'data/sln.jinja') def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor. :param kwargs: List of arbitrary keyworded arguments to be processed as instance variable data """ super(VSGSolution, self).__init__() self._import(kwargs) def _import(self, datadict): """ Internal method to import instance variables data from a dictionary :param dict datadict: The dictionary containing variables values. """ self.GUID = datadict.get("GUID", uuid.uuid1()) self.FileName = datadict.get("FileName", "") self.Name = datadict.get("Name", "") self.Projects = datadict.get("Projects", []) self.VSVersion = datadict.get("VSVersion", None)
[docs] def write(self): """ Writes the ``.sln`` file to disk. """ filters = { 'MSGUID': lambda x: ('{%s}' % x).upper(), 'relslnfile': lambda x: os.path.relpath(x, os.path.dirname(self.FileName)) } context = { 'sln': self } return self.render(self.__jinja_template__, self.FileName, context, filters)