Source code for vsgen.suite

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides all functionality for VSGen's suite functionality.

The module defines the class VSGSuite.  The VSGSuite class groups a collection of solutions and projects into a single class.
import sys
import os
import inspect
import importlib
import argparse

from vsgen.solution import VSGSolution
from vsgen.writer import VSGWriteCommand
from vsgen.register import VSGRegisterCommand
from vsgen.util.config import VSGConfigParser
from vsgen.util.entrypoints import entrypoints, entrypoint

[docs]class VSGSuite(object): """ The VSGSuite class groups a collection of solutions and projects into a single class. """ def __init__(self, config): """ Constructor. :param object config: The instance of the VSGConfigParser class """ # Resolve the root path root = config.get('vsgen', 'root', fallback=None) if not root: raise ValueError('Expected option "root" in section [vsgen].') if not os.path.isdir(root): raise ValueError('Expected option "root" (%s) does not resolve to valid directory.' % root) # Build the VSG Solutions self._solutions = [self._getsolution(config, s) for s in config.sections() if 'vsgen.solution' in s] return super(VSGSuite, self).__init__() def _getsolution(self, config, section, **kwargs): """ Creates a VSG solution from a configparser instance. :param object config: The instance of the configparser class :param str section: The section name to read. :param kwargs: List of additional keyworded arguments to be passed into the VSGSolution. :return: A valid VSGSolution instance if succesful; None otherwise. """ if section not in config: raise ValueError('Section [{}] not found in [{}]'.format(section, ', '.join(config.sections()))) s = VSGSolution(**kwargs) s.Name = config.get(section, 'name', fallback=s.Name) s.FileName = os.path.normpath(config.get(section, 'filename', fallback=s.FileName)) s.VSVersion = config.getfloat(section, 'visual_studio_version', fallback=s.VSVersion) if not s.VSVersion: raise ValueError('Solution section [%s] requires a value for Visual Studio Version (visual_studio_version)' % section) project_sections = config.getlist(section, 'projects', fallback=[]) for project_section in project_sections: project = self._getproject(config, project_section, VSVersion=s.VSVersion) s.Projects.append(project) return s def _getproject(self, config, section, **kwargs): """ Creates a VSG project from a configparser instance. :param object config: The instance of the configparser class :param str section: The section name to read. :param kwargs: List of additional keyworded arguments to be passed into the VSGProject. :return: A valid VSGProject instance if succesful; None otherwise. """ if section not in config: raise ValueError('Section [{}] not found in [{}]'.format(section, ', '.join(config.sections()))) type = config.get(section, 'type', fallback=None) if not type: raise ValueError('Section [{}] mandatory option "{}" not found'.format(section, "type")) project_class = entrypoint('vsgen.projects', type) return project_class.from_section(config, section, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): """ Creates an VSGSuite instance from a filename. :param str filename: The fully qualified path to the VSG configuration file. """ # Read the configuration file config = VSGConfigParser() if filename not in[filename]): raise ValueError('Could not read VSG configuration file %s.' % filename) # set the root root = config.get('vsgen', 'root') root = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), root)) config.set('vsgen', 'root', root) return VSGSuite(config)
[docs] @classmethod def make_parser(cls, **kwargs): """ Creates a :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` instances to work with VSGSuite classes. :param kwargs: List of additional keyworded arguments to be passed into the :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`. :return: A :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` instance. """ # Build a parent parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(**kwargs) # Add multiple sub-commands: subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Available commands.', dest='suite_commands') # 'Generate' command file_parser = subparsers.add_parser('generate', help='Generates solutions and projects based on one or more configuration files.') file_parser.add_argument('configuration_filenames', metavar='file', nargs='+', help='The configuration file that contains the [vsgen.*] sections contains the vsgen input.') # 'Auto' command auto_parser = subparsers.add_parser('auto', help='Automatically generates a solution and project collection from vsgen preset and a single directory.') # Build a subparser for each type of project suite_parsers = auto_parser.add_subparsers(help='Available Project Types.', dest='suite_type') for ek, ev in entrypoints('vsgen.suites').items(): suite_parser = ev.make_parser(add_help=False) suite_parsers.add_parser(ek, help='Automatically generates a solution and "{}" project from a single directory.'.format(ek), parents=[suite_parser]) return parser
[docs] @classmethod def from_args(cls, **kwargs): """ Generates one or more VSGSuite instances from command line arguments. :param kwargs: List of additional keyworded arguments to be passed into the VSGSuite defined in the :meth:`~VSGSuite.make_parser` method. """ # Create a VSGSuite for each filename on the command line. if kwargs.get('suite_commands', None) == 'generate': filenames = kwargs.pop('configuration_filenames', []) return [cls.from_file(f) for f in filenames] # Create a VSGSuit from the target directory and override commands if kwargs.get('suite_commands', None) == 'auto': type = kwargs.get('suite_type', None) return [cls.from_directory('', type, **kwargs)] # Create nothing. return []
[docs] @classmethod def from_directory(cls, directory, type, **kwargs): """ Creates an VSGSuite instance from a filename. :param str filename: The fully qualified path to the VSG configuration file. :param str type: The configuration type to generate. :param kwargs: List of additional keyworded arguments to be passed into the VSGSuite. """ # Resolve the suite class from the type suite_class = entrypoint('vsgen.suites', type) # Merge the default and any additional, maybe override, params. params = { 'root': os.path.abspath(directory), 'name': os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(directory)) } params.update({k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}) return suite_class(**params)
[docs] def write(self, parallel=True): """ Writes the configuration to disk. """ # Write the Solution files solutions = sorted(self._solutions, key=lambda x: x.Name) with VSGWriteCommand('Writing VSG Solution', solutions, parallel) as command: command.execute() # Write the Projects files projects = set(sorted((p for s in solutions for p in s.Projects), key=lambda x: x.Name)) with VSGWriteCommand('Writing VSG Projects', projects, parallel) as command: command.execute() # Register the registerables registerables = set(sorted((p for s in solutions for p in s.Projects), key=lambda x: x.Name)) with VSGRegisterCommand('Registering Project Registerables', registerables) as command: command.execute()